It’s that time of the year when millions are looking for the best treatments for winter dry skin.
The harsh winter elements can cause your skin to feel raw, itchy, dry, and just generally uncomfortable.
This is expected from the lack of moisture due to low humidity in the winter.
Below are some great treatment options for your dry winter skin.
The best thing you can do during this time is to take extra care to moisturize your skin.
By moisturizing, your skin is being rehydrated and sealing in moisture.
As a general rule, the thicker and greasier your moisturizer is, the better it is for your skin concerns.
Treating Dry Skin
If you have seriously dry skin it is probably best to seek the services of a dermatology professional.
Your doctor will likely be able to prescribe you a cream that contains skin healing ingredients such as urea, lactic acid, or even corticosteroids.
Tips to Combat Dry Skin
There are a few things you can do on your own to fight back against dry skin:
- Purchase a humidifier to add moisture back to your skin
- Take shorter showers and baths
- Bathe with lukewarm water instead of hot
- Use less soap, or stick to moisturizing soaps such as Dove
- Avoid perfumed soaps
- Try incorporating bath oils into your baths
- Avoid scratching at all costs
- Use sunscreen all year long
- Avoid fragrant cleaning detergents and fabric softeners
Where to Go for Treatments for Dry Winter Skin
At Integrated Dermatology of Reston we recognize that your choice of a dermatologist is driven both by the doctor or physician assistant’s competence and personality.
Our staff is dedicated to providing the highest quality dermatology care in an understanding and supportive atmosphere.
We look forward to getting to know you and providing your dermatologic care.
Call today to schedule your consultation for your dry skin concerns at (703)437-7744.