Integrated Dermatology Group of Reston

Postpartum skin tightening in Reston, VA – Can You Tighten Loose Skin Without Surgery?

It’s no secret that after having a baby your body experiences changes and that it may never go back to being exactly the same as before.  And while those changes can be a symbol of the amazing gift your body has given you, they may also leave you feeling insecure and uncomfortable in your own skin.  Many women experience loose skin on their abdomen after having a baby, even after they’ve returned to their pre-baby weight.  Unfortunately, you can’t diet and exercise away excess skin.  That where Ellacor for postpartum skin tightening in Reston, VA comes in.  Ellacor is a non-surgical option for addressing loose skin.

Non-Surgical Abdominal Skin Tightening

If you’re interested in postpartum skin tightening in Reston, VA but would prefer to avoid surgery, Ellacor may the solution you’re looking for.  Ellacor is a revolutionary treatment that uses micro-coring technology to remove small sections of skin.  As your body heals, there will be an increase in collagen and elastin production, promoting natural skin tightening in the treated area.  Following treatment, you will see an improvement in areas that had loose, sagging skin.

Benefits of Ellacor for Postpartum Skin Tightening:

  • Minimal Downtime: Unlike invasive surgical procedures, Ellacor has minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities quickly, which is important as a busy mom.  You may experience some redness, swelling, or bruising in the treatment area.
  • Non-Surgical Solution: Ellacor offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical skin tightening procedures that can be expensive and require lots of downtime for healing.
  • Improved Skin Texture: In addition to tightening, Ellacor can also help improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.  Your stomach will also appear firmer and more toned.
  • Natural Results: Results from Ellacor are gradual and natural-looking.

Is Ellacor Right for You?

If you’re struggling with loose skin on your abdomen after having a baby and are looking for a non-surgical option, Ellacor may be right for you.  Not only can changes in your body effect your self-esteem, but also how your clothes fit.  With Ellacor postpartum skin tightening in Reston, VA you can feel more comfortable in your skin and in your clothes.

To learn more, make an appointment at Integrated Dermatology of Reston to find out if you’re a good candidate for Ellacor non-surgical skin tightening.