When most people get a tattoo, they believe that they’ll love the design forever. But over time, they may come to regret their permanent inking. Fortunately, laser tattoo removal in Reston, VA, offers a safe and effective way to eliminate an unwanted tattoo and leave skin ink-free.
If you are considering this treatment, continue reading to learn all about laser tattoo removal and what you can expect from the procedure.
Here’s 6 things you need to know about laser tattoo removal in Reston, VA.
While it’s a non-invasive treatment with an excellent safety profile, laser tattoo removal is still a medical procedure. Therefore, patients considering zapping away unwanted ink should be sure to seek treatment at the office of a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon.
Not only do these physicians have the training and experience to achieve optimal outcomes, they also have the knowledge to effectively handle complications should they arise.
Even though a tattoo can be inked in as little as one sitting, it takes multiple sessions for removal. Appointments also need to be scheduled 8-10 weeks apart to allow the body time to breakdown and clear away ink particles.
At your initial consultation, you will receive a customized treatment plan outlining the number of sessions you may need.
According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the average cost for a laser tattoo removal treatment is $463. Keep in mind that pricing is often determined by tattoo size, complexity, technology used, and provider expertise.
While conventional laser tattoo removal devices may have some limitations when it comes to eliminating certain colors, PicoWay offers advanced technology that can target and eliminate any ink pigment. This includes historically hard-to-treat colors like green, yellow, and blue.
Following laser tattoo removal, you should apply Aquaphor or Vaseline to the tattoo for 3-5 days. It’s also important to keep the area covered with gauze or a non-stick pad until it has fully healed.
While some patients want every trace of their tattoo erased, others seek treatment to lighten the ink and cover it with another design. You can discuss this option at your initial consultation.
If you are considering laser tattoo removal in Reston, VA, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Morgana Colombo.
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