Profound Skin Tightening

Profound Reston

Profound Microneedle RF in Northern Virginia is a safe, effective, nonsurgical skin tightening alternative that offers results similar to that of a surgical facelift.

Have you noticed that your cheeks are beginning to sag and fall flat? Is your jawline doing a disappearing act? Have jowls and folds started to form around your mouth and neck?

If you answered yes, then Profound in Reston, Northern Virginia may just be right for you.

Continue reading to learn all about Profound skin tightening, including what patients can expect should they decide to undergo treatment in Northern Virginia.

What is Profound Skin Tightening?

Profound skin tightening is a revolutionary skincare solution that can rejuvenate the face, lips, eyes, and jawline without incisions, anesthesia, or downtime. The nonsurgical skin tightening procedure is performed in the comfort of our office and takes less than 60 minutes.

Immediately after the treatment, patients are free to return to work and resume all normal activities.

How Does Profound Rejuvenate Skin?

Profound Reston combines the effects of microneedling and radiofrequency energy to tighten, lift, add volume, and contour the face and neck.

During the procedure, a handheld device, containing a small applicator of radiofrequency electrodes, is applied to the treatment area for thorough and even coverage.

The device’s needles are used to create microscopic injuries in the skin and deliver radiofrequency that heats underlying tissue. In doing so, Profound initiates a wound healing effect and triggers the production of new collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

What Are the Benefits of Profound?

Profound is an excellent option for healthy women and men who want to revitalize their skin and refresh their appearance.

After only one session, the treatment is able to restore youthful contours and fullness to cheeks, eliminate marionette lines and jowls, sculpt the jawline and tighten the neck, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and improve the appearance of cellulite.

Is There Any Downtime?

Unlike a surgical facelift, which usually involves a painful and lengthy recovery, Profound Skin Tightening requires absolutely no downtime.

Accordingly, after Profound, patients are able to go about their day as they normally would, without any restrictions.

How Quickly Can Patients See Results from Profound Skin Tightening?

Most patients are able to see noticeable improvement within 2 weeks.

In the coming months, tightening, lifting, contouring, and volume restoration will become more evident. Maximum effects are achieved at 6-9 months, and results can last up to 4 years.


Ready to Get Started with Profound Skin Tightening?

If you are interested in rejuvenating your face and neck without surgery or downtime, contact our office today to schedule a Profound Reston consultation with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Morgana Colombo.